Friday, April 13, 2018

Real Men

Dear Evangelicals:

It started with the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, which sought to save us all from Romans 1:18-20, and the certain knowledge of how God made us. Women are women, and men are real men as the CBMW understands them, the CBMW insists, in spite of what can be seen, both under a microscope and in plain sight.

Enter The Federalist, which seeks to warn us about what they see as the phony masculinity of counterfeits like ... James Comey.

Whither America, friends? Whither America?

It's a darn good thing emo Comey doesn't head up the FBI anymore. You can't very well protect America from her enemies, both foreign and domestic, when you're constantly crying about how she's circling the drain. We need a real leader, who tackles bears, prances around in flight suits, and rides horses while half-naked, not this guy.

I mean, what was emo Jesus's deal, anyway? Weeping and yelling and vandalizing MAJOR religious shrines (Talk about Christian persecution!) And then, He has to go and ugly-cry about NESTING?!? With JERUSALEM?!? Sounds kinda ....

Well, you're the guardians of churchy masculinity and femininity. I'll let you decide.

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