Sunday, April 8, 2018

‘What the Bible Says’ About That One Hot-Button Issue

Dear Evangelicals:

Ever wonder why certain people follow you? I do.

I mean, I look at my profile and posts. I look at their profile and posts, and I think, “Whaaaat?”

It happens every June -- Pride Month, that is. A few people follow me all at once, and I just … know.

Way back in 2015, I tweeted that, in addition to being a Christian, I am an intersectional feminist and LGBTQIA ally. In 2016, no such tweet was necessary. The things I said in response to the unconscionable events in Orlando, Florida were more than enough.

Predictably, one of my new followers buttonholed me: “You’re a Christian, but you don’t believe what the Bible says?”


Other reactions to similarly-controversial tweets/posts of mine have been more subtle, more in the nature of passive-aggressive nudges about how we Christians musn’t change our presentation to please a changing world.

Because, you know, all people do things for the same reason, and it’s always the wrong reason: their pastor/parent/peer group/favorite Christian author or celebrity says so.

So, I post what I post because I don't have an original thought in my head?


Cute, but passive aggression is still aggression, so here’s a little test for my fellow Christians. Do you know your Bible?

Here’s the full text — with the exception of the abbreviations for books of the Bible — of the sermon in three tweets that I gave in response to those Twitter followers who wondered about the alleged conflict between my Christian beliefs and my stance on LGBTQIA issues. If you really know your Bible, the abbreviations won’t bother you:
“Rom 1:26-27 clearly talks about choice (Compare with Matt 5:28). Nowhere in the Bible does it say that all LGBTQ behavior is a choice. Because 1 Sam 16:7, I don’t know who is choosing and who is not. Neither do you, unless you’re judging yourself (and maybe not even then). So, 1 Cor 5:9-13, preceded by Matt 18 & Matt 7:1-5, provided you’re not relying on false witnesses. I stand by my tweet & my alliances. Done.”
One more time for Blogger: I stand by my posts and my alliances. Done.

Just one more thing: If you are a Christian, I will not deny or minimize your ignorance, clumsiness, microaggression, arrogance, entitlement, bullying, or hatred -- in relation to this issue or any other -- in the name of Christian sibling-hood. Neither will I project those behaviors onto your victims. They are responsible for their behavior, just as you are responsible for yours.

Christians interpret the Bible differently, but one thing is certain: If we disagree with non-Christians, we are called to do so reasonably, intelligently, and winsomely. Anti-intellectualism is neither a Christian virtue nor a fruit of the Spirit. “Because ‘Merica” is neither a reasonable, intelligent, nor a winsome defense of your beliefs.

Step up your game — and I mean way up — fellow Christians. If you’ve been wondering why I don’t share your oh-so-holy Christian content, now you know why.

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