Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Put Down the Popcorn

Dear Evangelicals:

2 Timothy 1:7 is one of the most popular verses with your crowd. Too bad you only recite it when you're psyching yourself up to grab money or power or influence that doesn't belong to you.

When you have to sacrifice money or time; when you have to change your filthy, proud, unrepentant attitude; when the other side is poised for a win -- then, you forget this verse like yesterday's garbage.

In those times, you luxuriate in your fear. You revel in it as though you're sitting in a movie theater, stuffing your face with treats while terrifying images play across the screen.

Get over yourself.

Christianity is not a life of winning; it is a life of sacrifice. Like the Pharisees before you, you are terrified that you might be forced to shoulder some of the burden. But the Pharisees weren't afraid, and you don't have to be, either.

God is not a harsh, unreasonable God. He gives you a choice, the way anyone would, if they were as sensible as you are.

You're being harangued daily to share the load, and you don't have to; Jesus Himself says so. He saw, long ago, how hard you work, and He knew what a drag it is to give up the lush life to labor in the trenches with the great unwashed.

"Relax," He says. You have your reward.

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