Sunday, March 5, 2017

What Really Happens "Without God"

Dear Evangelicals:

Oh, hey, good job, Christian meme-maker! Especially the biblical illiteracy part. See, the Bible says rain falls on the just and the unjust, so there goes your argument that non-Christians have crap lives.

Then there’s this delusion that we Christians always have great weeks because we’re Christians.

There’s that pesky biblical illiteracy again! There’s not a single righteous person in the Bible whose life was free of trouble.

When you say that life’s problems would all go away if we only had enough faith, you spit in the face of every Christian who is dealing with a mental or physical disability, sickness, job loss, infidelity, death of a loved one, homelessness, abuse, abandonment, bullying … I could go on.

How about, instead of spewing un-biblical, unsubstantiated nonsense about people you’ve never met, you break out of your conservative, evangelical bubble; start following Jesus instead of Americhrist (You, too, rest of the planet. Have you heard the kind of un-biblical filth they're spewing on your evangelical TV programs?); and learn what the Bible actually says instead of what your pet preacher keeps cramming down your throat?

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