Sunday, March 5, 2017

Held To A Higher Standard

Dear Evangelicals:

So you see, I'm not just being a killjoy; I'm cautioning those who would assume a position of authority over other Christians, whether prospective or veteran.

You can't teach and preach while you're trying to make yourself God in someone else's life, sleep with someone who's not meant for you, present a false version of yourself, flout the Holy Spirit, or change what's set down in the Bible to suit yourself.

You can't be an effective preacher or teacher if you are ignorant of the character of God, and of the Bible itself.

It takes a ridiculous amount of humility and sacrifice to gain this knowledge, and some of you need to reduce your expectations -- and your boasting -- of yourselves. If you don't, the consequences will be severe, and in many cases, that's too bad. Some of you are so prideful that you've never even thought to ask God whether He wants you to preach or teach.

Why not give Him the chance to extend some big-time grace to you? Why not unburden yourself to Him now, and learn, once and for all, whether you should be taking on a job this big and this scary?

You'll be glad you did -- however He answers.

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