Tuesday, May 28, 2019

First Church of Americhrist

Dear Evangelicals:

Is there anything more American than this?

Although He would not be proven right until much later, Jesus nicknamed James and John "Sons of thunder".

What did they do in the wake of this powerful naming ceremony (For, it is always powerful, and carries more than a hint of ceremony, when someone names you)?

Depending on who's doing the reporting, they either pestered Jesus -- or, had their mommy do it -- to award them the most powerful positions in the coming kingdom.

Like I said, is there anything more American?

And then, Jesus showed them just how this boss thing is done.

First, He declined to wrest from His boss the authority to promote these manly specimens.

Then, He told J and J in front of everyone, that the only way they'd ever rise that high would be by serving their inferiors -- the same way He was about to do.


It got worse. Jesus said, You know those people you won't even look in the eye because they're so unclean? Well, you just asked for the same kind of "authority" they have

And He was more than a little bit cheesed off (Verse 41).

Jesus could have ended the discussion there, but He's Christ, not Americhrist, so he waited until the time was right. And then, He showed them exactly what He meant.

Knowing He was going to die, He ate dinner with the twelve. When they were finished, He stripped, put a towel around Himself, and ... wait for it ... proceeded to wash the disciples' feet.

These were not feet that had been encased in first-quality walking shoes and moisture-wicking socks. No, they were feet shod in cheap, homemade sandals. Feet that had transported them everywhere they went on land. Rough, callused, perhaps diseased ... feet. (John 13:1-17 New King James Version)

Notice how Jesus drove the point home in verses 15-17, "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them."

Then, He went out; prayed and ugly-cried in some community garden; then, let Himself be arrested, assaulted, subjected to a show trial, and crucified.

Like a boss.

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