Monday, November 13, 2017

Who Your Friends Are

Dear Evangelicals:

We know you believe you'll usher in God's kingdom in this life without consulting Him. You're so unabashedly zealous, in fact, that you're straying away from the seven mountains to conquer whatever unpleasantness clouds your path -- emphasis on your.

No, God has nothing to do with this.

There is nothing in the Bible commanding you to take responsibility for the decisions your adult children make. Ezekiel 18 says the opposite, but, what the heck? It's only God speaking.

Yet, here you are, riding herd on responsible adults as if you own them.

The latest horror story to cross my desk is that of a perpetually-angry father -- no one would dare be intimate enough with such a monster to call him "Dad" -- who has expressly forbidden his 25-year-old daughter to befriend a certain group of people.

Are they atheists? Pagans? Nazis? Gang bangers? Criminals?

Nope. They're -- dun dun dunnnnnhhh -- liberals.

Oh, the horror!

Enough sarcasm; let's explore (I know how that frightens you; hold my hand. Or don't, unless the door is open, or your wife is in the room).

The Bible has plenty to say about friendship with God, about the characteristics of a true friend, about acting like everyone is your friend, about hanging with stupid people, with liars and gossips, with those who talk behind your back.

It says nothing about avoiding those with opposite socio-political leanings. It is, however, achingly-specific about those you should avoid among Christians. The Bible also tells us exactly whose lives we're supposed to clean up.

In other words, if you haven't taken a good, long look in the mirror, don't bother looking at anyone else.

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