Friday, March 3, 2017


Dear Evangelicals:

It looks like some of you are waking from the fever dream of arrogant ignorance that Christian culture markets to us night and day. This is a relief.

For those of you who have never been taught what a sincere apology looks like, the above meme is an excellent start. But sometimes, even this is not quite enough. Members of your inner circle need a little more.

With them, share as much as is safe about what was going on in your life when you misbehaved. Tell them you are offering an explanation, not an excuse, for your behavior. Internalize the difference between the two, and the urgent need for yourself to know the difference, as though your life depended on it -- because it does. Excuses are what narcissists make. Don't be that person -- even though narcissism runs rampant in the evangelical church.

Anyway, God bless you and keep you on your journey back toward the sunlight. We're waiting to welcome you with open arms.

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