Friday, January 27, 2017

What God Hates Just As Much As Divorce

Dear Evangelicals:

We all know God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16), but he hates it just as much when you marry the wrong person (see left).

It's hilarious how you people claim that God comes first in every aspect of your lives, but never bother to ask Him what you should do and when you should do it. How you never even ask Him who you should marry -- much less if you should. I mean, did it ever occur to you that He might have other plans for your life?

What, only after you're 30 and still single? That's when it occurs to you to ask God what's going on?

But I digress.

Those of you "stuck" in ghastly marriages, you have a ton of work to do, but it's not the work you think.

You need to start at the beginning, asking God with your whole heart whether he wants you to be married to this person or any other. Whatever the answer, you must then ask Him how to proceed -- counseling; divorce; abandoning your obnoxious, self-centered outlook, etc.

Listen, we're talking about the person with whom you have -- or will -- unite to become one flesh (Mark 10:7-9). Since only God is capable of seeing into that person's heart (1 Samuel 16:7), and Jesus tells us not to judge according to appearance, but instead, to make a righteous judgment (John 7:24), how do you even know enough about the object of your affection without asking God?

You see now, why your home life is a mess, right?

There's grace for that; you know there is -- and, if you don't, you must read this and get some healing. But you can't just sit there and wait for it to come to you. Ask (God, not other people), seek, and knock, or you're going to be stuck in this emotional desert for the rest of your life.

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