Monday, September 19, 2016

Weariness, Vice, and Want

Dear Evangelicals:

Rushing around trying to fix other people's lives doesn't count. Besides, you're invariably lousy at it, and it has nothing to do with helping the oppressed.

In fact, those people you're trying so hard to "help"? You're the one who's oppressing them! As Robin Norwood once wrote, "Help is the sunny side of control", and you are controlling monsters -- always trying to change and manipulate people in God's name.

This is about the work we do on ourselves, at home (Yes, "men," you're slacking off on housework. Deal with it! There's NOTHING in the Bible that says housework is restricted to the female of the species.), and in the workplace, too. If you're not working -- really working -- it's no wonder you're always tired, always poor, and always getting into trouble with the authorities.

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