Thursday, September 8, 2016


Dear Evangelicals:

Ever notice that the only people Jesus talked theology with were the Pharisees and the Sadducees?

My solution for churchy, legalistic, pharasaiacal people is simply to out-church them. If they are excessively digging their Bible study, I am hearing from God directly. See what I did there? One-upmanship. Trust me, it scares them away every time.

If you're a non-Christian who's chanced upon this blog ... well, it helps -- if you're going to do battle with overbearing, self-proclaimed Christians -- to know the Bible. That said, I realize Bible study can bring up past traumas for some of you.

So, what do you do?

This quote suggests that you can save somebody -- without a lick of theology to your credit. Help the hungry, the homeless, widows, and orphans, the poor and the oppressed. Not with political donations, which are the non-religious equivalent to theology, but by getting off your butt and getting your hands dirty. Volunteer in a place where the poor and oppressed will reap the benefits of your charity immediately.

You do that, and you'll be a better Christian than the obnoxious theologian.

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