Thursday, September 15, 2016

So Special

Dear Evangelicals:

In case you missed it, malignant selfishness, a.k.a. narcissism, is not a mark of good character -- not in yourself, and not in anybody else.

If you are this person, you probably won't catch it in yourself; it's going to take a miracle from God to get you to see yourself as you truly are.

If you are being victimized by this person -- and a lot of new Christians are -- watch your step. Just because someone patronizes you doesn't mean they're your new daddy. Or mommy.

Jesus gave up every last ounce of wealth, prestige, and authority to come down here to earth and die for you. The Bible counsels humility, and the Christian life absolutely demands it. Anybody who dictates to you from way up there on their high horse is a fraud.

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