Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Looking For Truth

Dear Evangelicals:

You will likely be horrified at the source of this devastating quote: It's from Robert Pirsig, the author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Despite the source, it is true about you.

See, you don't want God to tell you the truth; you want God to tell you the untruth that keeps you lazy and comfortable, smug and entitled.

Jesus told us that the truth would make us free. He did not say that the journey to freedom would suit us like a luxury vacation.

The worst of it is that some of you are in hell already, and you'd rather stay there, because at least there are onions and garlic and melons and fish. Never mind that your Egyptian overlords beat you senseless.

Jesus also said that, "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." He meant, compared to the burden you are carrying now.

So ... what? Better the devil you know than the God that you don't?

Carry on, then.

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