Friday, August 19, 2016

Deborah Fikes: A Challenge To My Fellow Evangelicals

Dear Evangelicals:

A common complaint from you is that the "liberal media" dehumanizes evangelical Christians, and doesn't address evangelical concerns.

Not today, my friends.

Today, the New York Times offers this editorial from Deborah Fikes, and boy, is it an eye-opener.

I've criticized evangelicals in other countries for their worship of Americhrist, but Fikes asserts that evangelicals in most other countries around the world, with some exceptions, have a set of values drastically-different from those of their American counterparts.

Fikes' challenge -- and mine -- to evangelicals is to test the beliefs of the vast majority of evangelical Christians against the teachings of the Bible. Who's right?

The next question; the only question, really, is, now that you've researched it and discovered whose beliefs adhere most closely to Biblical teaching, what are you going to do about it?

See, there are people in my biological family who call themselves Christians. What's more, they know exactly what's in the Bible, and exactly what Jesus commands us to do about it. Yet, knowing, they cling fiercely to the "evangelical" values drummed into them by talk-radio demagogues and the 24-hour news cycle.

They say they "hope" they're going to heaven, and the words that tumble from their mouths are laced with fear and trembling. Sure, the idea of hell is scary; but, oh, that Rush Limbaugh, he's something else.

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