Saturday, July 30, 2016

A History of White Delusion

A History of White Delusion

Dear Evangelicals:

At left is Dr. Brian Williams, the Dallas, Texas trauma surgeon who fought valiantly to save the lives of the police officers who were gunned down in Dallas just a couple of weeks ago.

Dr. Williams is a man who pays the tab for police in restaurants on a regular basis, even though, during so-called routine traffic stops, he is spread-eagled on his car, and otherwise abused. But all you can talk about is how you're stifled by affirmative action. In fact, fully half of you say that white discrimination is a huge problem.

The statistics cited in this article show that the opposite is true, that blacks in this country face overwhelming prejudice, despite affirmative action, despite Barack Obama's history-making presidency, despite the fact that the Bible commands Christians to weep with those who weep, and refuse to set our minds on high things, like our "rights".

And all you can do is complain about how bad you have it. Not too Christlike, is it?

Have you really lost sight of what Christ's sacrifice means to you -- if you ever knew in the first place?

For those who still have a dim memory of the cataclysmic changes His sacrifice worked in your lives, is it really so hard to imagine how you could change the lives of black folks for the better by your own sacrifice? Is it really so hard to imagine that that's what Jesus meant by dying -- and coming back to life?

There's a message in there somewhere, evangelicals, if you'd only hear it.

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