Monday, July 11, 2016


Dear Evangelicals:

This is how gracious, how loving, how generous our God is. Don't let anyone -- the preacher, the preacher's wife, the head of the elder board, or your closest frenemy -- tell you any differently.

If someone tries to shame you for being sin-sick, weak, and in need of help from The Great Physician, run screaming in the other direction and don't look back.

See, Christians who work overtime to consolidate their power are always eager to tell you what you don't deserve, as though they're the ones in charge of dispensing grace. When that happens, you go straight to the Bible, and get the whole truth.

I'll tell you a secret: Big talkers are never big walkers, and that's no metaphor. When someone starts building a wall of words to keep you in bounds, just walk away. Make them work to catch up with you and keep up with you. Do this, and you'll find that the flood of words stops or slows altogether.

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