Saturday, July 23, 2016

GOP Lawmaker Botches Bible To Punish Poor

GOP Lawmaker Botches Bible To Punish Poor

Dear Evangelicals:

The fine, well-meaning folks who produce Religion Dispatches for the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism deliver this headline sort of breathlessly, as though it is news.

Indeed, it should be, but it isn't. Americhrist-worshiping posers like Tennessee's Rep. Fincher have been using the Bible as a weapon of mass destruction since the Religious Right rose to power in the 1980s.

This piece makes short work of Fincher's biblical illiteracy, pinpointing the origin and meaning of a favorite fundie clobber passage, used with numbing regularity to oppress the poor.

It is true that the apostle Paul did have a certain group in mind when he admonished early Christians that anyone who wouldn't work shouldn't be fed, either. This piece tells us exactly who those people are in today's economy, and it's not who you think.

Wake up, evangelicals; the poor aren't the only ones being oppressed by this privileged group.

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