Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence Day -- Or Is It?

Dear Evangelicals:

Isn't it extraordinary that Wiesel -- an author, speaker, activist, and concentration camp survivor who died on July 2 of this year -- could have this attitude?

I mean, if he can, why can't you?

Instead, you covet what -- or who -- you don't have. You value money, power and position because the Old Testament says they're your birthright; but ignore the calls to sacrifice and obedience in the New Testament, conveniently forgetting that you are not of the chosen people. Jesus died so you could share in their birthright, remember?

You value your countries here on Earth to the point of physical violence and verbal abuse, when Hebrews 11 tells you to "desire a better, that is, a heavenly country" just as the heroes of the faith did. You refuse what God wants to give you, stepping on the necks of others in search of "something more". You use subtle and not-so-subtle put-downs against people who are not of your faith, when Jesus commands you to love, bless, and serve them.

Wiesel is right: You're less human because of it. Yes, all these sins of yours have their roots in a lack of gratitude.

It's Independence Day in America today, yet you are determined to remain in bondage to power, control, ambition, lust, and possessions. That goes for the rest of you the world over who imitate the worst of American Christianity, obeying Americhrist instead of Jesus.

Doesn't sound very independent, does it?

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