Sunday, July 3, 2016

That's A Sin!

Dear Evangelicals:

"Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin."

If you think Paul is just talking about eating pork and shellfish, you're wrong, and legalistic, besides.

If someone is doing something from faith -- something you don't like -- you're wrong to condemn them, full stop. Such efforts on your part are pure idolatry. You are not God; it is not your job to manage, restrict, and control other folks.

That's right, you're breaking the first commandment by making yourself a god and putting self-worship above worship of the Most High.

Don't believe me, though. Persist in your efforts to control, restrict, and possess others, and see how far it gets you. If your efforts to be God "proceed from faith," you need to take a course in biblical literacy.

Or, are you one of those "Bible-believing" Christians who "revere the Bible but don't read it"?

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