Tuesday, July 5, 2016

On Repeat

Dear Evangelicals:

Look at this -- I'm repeating myself. This is, in essence, what I said to you yesterday. Either I'm running out of inspiration, or you're still coveting, and still lusting after what you can see instead of what God "has for you," as you are so prone to say.

Either you're gonna get tired of the same old message and leave, or God's gonna get tired of your disobedience, and ....

That can't be! God extends grace to you, right? Not to those people who sin differently than you, but to you? Boundless grace. Right?

You know, when someone is actively sinning, I stop saying, "God bless you" to them, because it's abundantly clear they don't want God's blessings; they want what they want, and they simply congratulate themselves on being in "God's favor" when they get it. To such people, I don't say, "God bless you" when we part; I say "Good luck."

To those who are breaking the tenth commandment and too tired of hearing about it to come back another time, good luck.

You're gonna need it.

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