Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Everywhere You Look

Dear Evangelicals:

This focus of yours on "the" Antichrist has got to stop. There's not just one; there are many, and they are among you.

It's hard not to sound spooky, apocalyptic, and self-important when I say that, so here's the deal:

It's not complicated. Anyone who is actively pretending to be Christ, a savior, your savior, while thinking, doing, and saying things Christ never thought, did, or said, is an antichrist. Keep that capitalization intact. Let's not make one antichrist more important than any other.

After all, if you can't identify the lowercase ones, you won't know what hit you when the uppercase one comes along. And that is exactly the point. You don't get to stagger around in fear and ignorance, pointing fingers at the "Antichrist", desperately calling attention to yourself and saying, "This is Christianity" without having smarter, less gullible people call you out for your nonsense.

You should be ashamed that non-Christians do a better job of rooting out antichrists than you ever have. You should be ashamed that non-Christians look more like Jesus' disciples than you do, all because they follow His instructions to "Love one another".

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