Friday, June 24, 2016

A Little Reading List From Ursula K. LeGuin

Dear Evangelicals:

First things first: LeGuin is a Christian; don't have a cow.

Even if she weren't, you shouldn't be going off like a stinkin' rocket.

Why? Because the apostle Paul was conversant with the most popular belief systems of the day. He didn't buy into this anti-intellectual hoodoo that says, if you're reading/watching/listening to non-Christian art, philosophy, and culture, you're "opening a door" to let the devil come waltzing in.

Don't be ridiculous! Everybody knows the devil can only dance to asymetric meter. 


I mean, you really do need to lighten up.

Second thing: I learned something crucial this week without intending to. Over the last few weeks, I've followed several Europeans on Twitter for entirely apolitical reasons. As time went on, their tweets turned increasingly political, due to the imminent Brexit vote.

What I learned was this: I don't care whether you're devoted to FOX News, MSNBC, or somewhere in-between. No talking head, no sound bite, no white paper on Earth can tell you what's really going on. For that, you must, must, must listen to the people themselves.

In short, you must do what Jesus did -- and does. What every author on Ursula K. LeGuin's reading list has done. If you're not hearing these voices, you're not equipped to vote this November, or to minister to anyone ever.

This list presents highlights from LeGuin's reading lists over the years. Just reading her descriptions of these books will give you an education unlike any you've ever had, but if you're any kind of decent Christian at all, these tidbits will light a fire under you to become even more educated and informed.

So, go. Read. Learn. And change your faith for the better.

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